Monday, October 29, 2012

Capital Punishment

After finding this photograph showing Eugen Weidmann’s execution in Versailles, 17 June, 1939 by a bereted executioner, I spent a few hours behind the computer looking into capital punishment and related issues. A sickening experience.
Of course, I knew very well that there are still countries (people) who believe in this form of 'justice' (the US comfortably nestled between countries like China, Iran, North Korea and Somalia), but delving deeper into the matter reveals a lot about the minds of these supporters - not uplifting revelations, to say the least.. 
Alas, it's not an issue for The Beret Project really, although it's interesting that executioners and supporters alike tend to wear kefiyah's or Stetsons - not berets (the proverbial exception -above- not taken into account). 

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